Driving In My Car: Finding the Car of Your Dreams

3 Current Technological Trends Available in New Cars

In the twenty-first century, technological advancements have found their way in every industry known to man and the automobile industry has not been left out. Half a century ago, the thought of automatic transmissions in cars was something most people back then would have thought of as science fiction; however, today they are quite common in all countries in the world.

Today, numerous technologies have been incorporated into new cars, and the end to the various technological advancements is nowhere in sight. Below are some of the most common technologies available in new vehicles.

•    Electric cars

With the growing campaigns against carbon emissions and the drive for new eco-friendly fuels, electric vehicles may be the greatest technological advancement in new cars in the twenty-first century.

Like the name suggests, electric vehicles utilize electrical energy for fuel, and surprisingly they perform just as well as their petrol and diesel using counterparts.

Though the cars perform reasonably, they are limited in the number of miles they can drive on a single charge and hence they are also limited for use in urban areas where a motorist can get an electric refuel.

•    Safety technologies

Nowadays, technology has not only improved the performance of vehicles, but it has also brought about numerous safety features in new cars. Current modern safety technologies available in new cars include backup cameras that facilitate safe reverse driving, proximity sensors that warn a motorist if an object such as another vehicle or pedestrian gets close to the vehicle while driving, hands-free controls for mobile phones, etc

The safety technologies have also seen an increased adaptation by almost all the main car manufacturers as consumers and governments push for better safety while driving.

•    Introduction of AIs and smartphone apps

Since the introduction of smartphones, the devices have been made compatible with vehicles to provide motorists with a better and safer driving experience. Nowadays, new cars come fitted with software that is compatible with their smartphones for various purposes such locking ad unlocking vehicles remotely, GPS tracking via smartphones as well as adjusting various controls of the vehicle that would otherwise get done manually.

Additionally, artificial intelligence systems have been incorporated into new cars to provide a variety of functions ranging from automatically adjusting the suspension system and wheel alignment of vehicles depending on the terrain to providing the motorist with the best route to use by evaluating real-time traffic via satellite. For more information, contact companies like Blue Ribbon Motors.
